Electro HarmonixLumberjack Log Overdrive
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Guitar Pedals,Acoustic Guitars
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Electro-Harmonix has room to experiment with the Lumberjack’s overdrive function, and they certainly do. The Lumberjack’s response is based on a logarithmic curve (rather than a linear one) and the change between two values is perceived as a ratio of those values. Therefore, a change from 1 to 2 (ratio 1:2) is perceived as the same as a change from 4 to 8 (ratio of 1:2). This keeps the overdrive nice and responsive to input dynamics and offers a huge range of fuzzy boosts to mess around with.
- - A unique logarithmic overdrive that distorts more heavily in higher registers
- - Frothy, jangly distortion that's great for a raw sound with tons of expression and character
- - Capable of producing heavy distortion while retaining phenomenal note clarity
- - An amazing ingredient pedal that plays extremely well with modulation and reverb effects
- - Awesome for bass, baritone guitar, drop-tunings, or guitars with 7 or more strings
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